Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Thousand Stories About A Thousand Suns

In case you're not a Linkin Park fan, and you haven't found out about their latest album A Thousand Suns, you seriously need to check it out. It hit stores on September 14th, a month ago, and its first single was 'The Catalyst', released at September 8th, peaked at many music charts for the last 30 days.

So why do I write this so late? I have one confession to write about A Thousand Suns: I just bought the album yesterday. I didn't really pre-order or anything. I haven't worked yet, so I thought it would be a burden to my parents since they don't really approve expenses through internet. I then think of buying the album via iTunes, because my mom has bought me some iPod apps and I thought she wouldn't mind... but another problem concerned. iTunes Music Store still hasn't available at my country. I tried to be patient until it hits the local music store, but I couldn't handle it. Three days after ATS' international release, I dared to download it for free on a certain site that I believe had been shutted down. I was frigging guilty, you know. I couldn't bear seeing my oversea LP friends keep posting and discussing about ATS, so my curiosity won. Even though I've got the song, I couldn't really get satisfied. I spent the next 7 days getting patient for the album to come out of the store, but then I got desperate. I didn't know an album can drive you crazy until I experienced it myself. I visit music stores twice every week, but they always said it hasn't arrived yet. The desperation is paid now!!! I've bought ATS and nobody could ever upset me for a long time of period!! HAHAHAHA!!
But I hope no friends of mine will get mad because I've been pretending to get the album and discussing that stuff with them as if I've bought it legally :\ I'm so SORRY, Linkin Park, for not being a real supporting fan :(

OK, enough babbling. I want to review A Thousand Suns my version, so I can figure out it's gonna be one hell of a crap, I've tried anyway:

A Thousand Suns is totally epic and genre-busting, and it drives me speechless when it comes to 'describing' or 'reviewing' this album. My first reaction to the single The Catalyst still remains the same: stunned. The difference is now that I can sing along with it without fainting first :P ... my brother too. He totally fell in love with that song as much as I do :)

I sometimes feel upset for ATS because it only has 9 full songs out of 15. I can't call the other 6 as a song. Some of them are quotations with BGM, though sound matching. My most favorite track is, believe me it's hard to pick, Wretches and Kings. I don't know why, though in that song Mike raps and Chester barely screams, it gives me lots of energy. It's like everyone in the band had significant role of playing music throughout the track, even when it's obviously highly scratched by THE Mr. Hahn. It also has Martin Luther King Jr. quote opening the song. Chester sings the teeth-gritting chorus, and it's epic. I've heard Wretches and Kings live and it sounded great!

My next favorite song is Waiting For The End. It's the second single of ATS, and its MV has came out. The video was terrific, completing the already-great song. Mike opens the song with rapping, and Chester sings the slow, deep toned chorus. The song kinda represents regret and a hope to move on your life to me. It doesn't sound like highly-reproduced through music technology. Sounds less 'mainstreams' to public than other tracks.

The 3rd track, Burning In The Skies, doesn't have Mike rapping. Mike sings the verses with some backings. Chester sings again the chorus, sounded rather slow and backed with Mike. Well what can I say, I love the combination :) this song has cheerful atmosphere, mixed with deep dark tones. Imagine how it sounds, or listen to it :P

'When They Come For Me', one track ahead from BITS, has an intro that seems like declaring a war to you, but it's not. The next thing appears after the intro is Mike's rap. Slightly curses, but as usual, nothing addressed to you. The chorus only sounds like 'aaahh' from 6 of the band. Chester sings the bridge, backed by Mike :)

After that is 'Robot Boy'. A slow tempo song starts with a solo piano by Mike, and 'ooooh' by the whole LP. The piano then continued throughout the song, with touch of violin. Chester sings the whole song backed by Mike again :) No certain chorus, but the bridge may be indicated (sorry heavy words) with Chester's background scream.

In the song 'Blackout', Chester RAPS and screams in the chorus himself. Isn't that epic? I'm amazed by how advanced he is in managing his breath :) There's keyboard sound and Joe's scratching sound can be easily heard in it and uniquely, Mike sings this song's bridge, and it reached the outro with a fading atmosphere.

'Iridescent' is rather sad. With the intro of solo piano and Mike singing in deep voice and low tone, it's followed by Chester's backed singing. Then the instruments got louder, accompanying the lonely-seemed piano's initial play, and Chester backs Mike's second bridge. After the sound of solo guitar, the whole band sings together. This is the part where I mostly weep :') The drum then starts playing, and Chester sings by himself with now loud instruments. The song's sound represent the situation of someone getting hope. It's first deep and lone, and then slowly getting loud and cheerful.

'The Messenger'... It only has guitar solo as instrument and Chester sings by himself. It's talking about loving and supporting someone. Slow tempo, lasts so fast. :| I'm sure I've heard that song before, or similar song, but what and where? :s

OK, that's it. I ain't reviewing The Catalyst because I'm totally stunned and speechless. The whole ATS itself could sound like ONE long song, because one track's outro is like the next song's intro. I couldn't stop listening to it since I first bought it. I'm so proud of Linkin Park!!! :DD Thanks for making a terrific project!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Class Echoes For You

Setelah selama kurang lebih sebulan menetap di kelas X-6 SMAN 1 Balikpapan, akhirnya aku kenal juga teman-teman sekelasku.
Mau kuceritain satu-satu? Nah. No way. Garis besarnya saja deh :)

Kelasku terdiri dari 36 murid, termasuk aku sendiri. Sewaktu pertama kali masuk, aku baru kenal Anggun dan Dhira, salah dua teman SMPku. Yang heboh ya Anggun ini. Dia mengenalkan aku ke teman-teman baruku, walau tidak digubris secara implisit -__- sabar ya gun. Kesan pertamaku terhadap kelas ini adalah... *jeng jeng jeng*


Padahal sama-sama kelas RSBI. Bertolak belakang dengan kelas SMP-ku yang ber-AC, meja dan kursi desain IT, satu stopkontak untuk tiap meja, dan loker untuk tiap anak... kelasku yang baru ini meja dan bangkunya masih dari kayu yang aku berani bilang sudah sangat lama, melihat dari coretan-coretan tip-ex yang bervariasi... dan mejanya setiap hari terkena gempa *baca: goyang-goyang*. Bahkan teman sebangkuku menemukan buku tulis yang bertuliskan milik seorang anak kelas X-6... yang bukan angkatan kini. Ampun dah. Meja guru juga gak dibedain dengan meja murid: kayu, tidak bertaplak, dan tercoret dengan indahnya oleh siswa-siswa terdahulu.
Nah, boro-boro mau ada loker. Stopkontak saja hanya ada empat socket di muka kelas, sedangkan muridnya lebih banyak dibanding murid di kelas RSBI SMP-ku. AC? jangan tanya. AC-nya alami, bung! Hanya ada dua kipas angin tergantung di langit-langit. Yang mengindikasikan kelasnya RSBI cuma LCD Projector yang ada di tengah kelas, dan tugas yang seabrek yang perlu dikerjakan dengan komputer. Bwahhahaha. Tapi cukup mengeluhkan fasilitasnya. Sebab di SMP kami membayar, sementara sekarang digratiskan. Wajar dong.

So, move on to next topic.

Pelajarannya biasa saja. Konvensional. They explain, we listen. Ya gak gitu-gitu amat sih, tentu kami dapat kesempatan bertanya. Paling teknologikal ya kami ditugaskan membuat presentasi.. atau mendengarkan penjelasan presentasi guru. Malah sekarang dicetuskan ulangan online dengan ID resmi yang disahkan administrasi sekolah *ciee*. Tapi pengurusan ID-nya bikin ribet. Bener deh. Dengan anak-anak cowoknya yang barbar waktu mengerubungi pengurus ID, aku belum dapat kesempatan ngecek ID-ku. WTF is wrong with those guys? -__- give me a chance, morons! Selebihnya? sok IT haha. Gosip dari anak-anak kelas lain menyatakan bahwa hasil ulangan PKn mereka jelek-jelek dan untuk mendapat kesempatan perbaikan nilai, gurunya menyuruh mereka mengirim permintaan lewat e-mail. apa-apa lewat e-mail. WTF lagi? ingin rasanya aku katakan pada sang guru PKn yang kebetulan wali kelasku bahwa IT diciptakan untuk membantu kerjaan sehari-hari kita. Bukan tiap ada apa-apa pakai e-mail. Terlalu bergantung pada teknologi akan menjadi bumerang, tokh?
Dan guru PKn ini nyentrik. He doesn't talk about laws or civic. He comments laws on his heart's content. Bahkan beliau pernah bertanya siapa di antara kami yang mengendarai motor ke sekolah, untuk meminta tolong membelikan bebatuan kolam (i know it's weird -_-') tanpa memberi kesan hendak 'menjebak' murid-muridnya yang belum cukup umur mengaku mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor.. dan melawan hukum secara tidak langsung.
Untuk apa bebatuan kolam itu? Saudara-saudara, ternyata wali kelas original ini hendak menciptakan TAMAN di dalam kelas!!! *jeng jeng jeng* dengan tanaman pot dan AIR MANCUR! Yes, you've heard me!! Kayaknya ide ini tercetuskan di kepala sang wali kelas setelah mengetahui uang kas kelas kami ternyata BANYAK. duh.. pak, kalau lain kali punya ide 'brilian' lagi tolonglah beritahu dulu yang menumpuk uang kas ini!! walau kami setuju karena 'keren' dan orisinil, tapi kan dongkol juga kalau kita gak tahu untuk apa uang kita. pertama bebatuan itu, lalu air mancurnya. ntar lama-lama bikin kolam renang gak ngasih tahu -___-'

Udah, cukup menghinanya. Sekarang ke topik: THUH CLASSMATES! Yee-aw!

Teman-temanku baik semua, kok. Walau aku gak (hopefully belum) punya sahabat di sini :( tapi Insyaallah mereka dapat menerimaku dengan baik :)
Ternyata eh ternyata, teman-teman sekelasku banyak juga yang LINKIN PARK FANS! DUDE! IS THIS A DREAM? Memang mereka jarang discuss tentang LP bareng-bareng, tapi toh suatu kemajuan ketemu senasib seperjuangan hehe. Iya, dong... Coba tengok kelas X-4. Nyetelnya 'Keong Racun' bwahahah. Kami doong... "What I've Done"!!!
Selain yang LPfans juga baik kok. Boys-nya tetap pada usil dan bikin ngakak-ngikik, walaupun kadang practical joke-nya agak brutal. Seperti kebanyakan, pada hobi bermain Counter Strike gak kenal waktu. Sementara cewek-ceweknya terbagi-bagi ke dalam semacam 'geng' begitu. Walau tidak officially grouping, one hangs with particular girls, and another with the others. A shame. Ngerti? Aku juga gak :P
Aku sendiri gak ada geng di kelas, tetapi tiap ada istirahat atau lagi gak belajar, aku bakal hang out dengan teman-teman SMP-ku yang ada di kelas-kelas lain. Mereka juga sering ngumpul bareng. Dan ternyata pisah kelas dengan buddy itu seru juga! Kami punya lebih banyak hal untuk dibicarakan! Kemarin saja kami mengadakan kunjungan kejutan ke sobat yang ulang tahun sambil membawa blackforest dan kado! What a surprise! :)

Inti: even if it's not the best, high school is fun!