Sunday, August 28, 2022


The narrative of writing one blog post per day is plenty exciting, but the execution isn't always so. The main problem would be that there is no accountability. Say that I accomplished one blog post per day for a week, then what? What difference does it make compared to, say, if I constantly post for a month?

In my ideal self there is the argument that writing everyday would help hone my skill as a writer, but there is no real proof as to how my skill improves. There is no standard set other than the amount of posts I create, and I might fall victim to the "quantity-over-quality" criterion. I can be putting out very boring posts but I wouldn't notice how boring it is because the standard is ultimately coming from myself - and who am I writing for? Precisely.

A few months back one of my friend and I embarked upon a mutual "accountability notes" journey. It's basically a shared diary in the form of a collaborative Google Docs file, where we both can write not just what happens on that day, but also whatever comes to mind. It was great for a while to kickstart the mood for writing, because there's the feeling that you're not alone or something akin to talking to a wall, but also there's variety in the pages as you're not the only contributor to the document.

Mostly I wrote about what happened in the day, or week, if I was too busy to write daily. There are also moments where I took class notes there, paraphrasing the business-language into my own rant-induced sentences. There wasn't any strings attached or agreement that we *have* to write there every day, or every week, or every month, but the existence of such document reminded me that I do have a place to write my rants other than this blog (If my blog looks like ramblefest already, just imagine what I write there).

The same cannot be said about this blog. So far I've been wondering who else is reading my blog other than my future self. Some friends here and there sometimes chat me up to let me know that they read my stuff (God bless y'all) and added their comments and discussion, and that's nice. But they don't come constantly, just like the stream of my writing. Maybe I do need to brush up on my writing discipline first before talking big about accountability, feedback, and such.

I've been thinking that I might need another thing like the "accountability notes" for my blog. I want to know whether there is a particular direction this blog is moving towards, or ideas of how I can improve my writing from an experienced mentor, or perhaps just something like a community that I can join. But you know me, I would still be selfish and write whatever I want to write, because that's ultimately the true nature of this blog. It's my own ramblefest. But maybe, just maybe, there is a platform where I can get ideas from here and there without being in a tight-knit commitment.

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