"Sometimes you just have to choose..." -
Weekend has come and it's time for a sunday break! Yee-haw! I've been looking forward for a sunday morning to arrive~! Unfortunately, I woke up late this morning and skipped breakfast again... But today I'm taking a day off from training and plan to go to a mall with my auntie. Shopping needs, watching movie, and taking a coffee break. The problem is, I wanted to go to Starbucks and watch Sherlock Holmes at the same time. However, they both are not located in the same place and our time is finite so we cannot fulfill both of them.
This day's prior was to watch Sherlock Holmes!! So we chose to go to WTC and skipped Starbucks break. I know it's not booming anymore, but better late than never, right? It's the first movie I saw in 2010 and it was pretty awesome for a start!! :) This is a summareview I TRY to write myself:
Sherlock Holmes settings takes place in London, past London, to be precise. The movie started with a moment where Holmes and his partner, Watson, arrested Lord Blackwood in murdering 4 girls and his attempt to kill his 5th victim. 3 months later, Blackwood is executed in public.
The story's getting its problem when Holmes and Watson found out from the police that Blackwood has been resurrected from death. They then tried to solve the problem by the request from police inspector. Unfortunately, the public started to know about the rumor and panicked. Most of them believed that only supernatural powers can bring Blackwood back to life. Holmes is getting busier with additional case request from Irene Adler, his love. Holmes found out about the Four Ordo and the magic effects. Blackwood started chaos by murder attempts to the important people in England and the ones that related to the Four Ordo.
It turns out all of the cases are related to each other. In the end, it was clearly undeniable that all those magic and black powers Blackwood has done was nothing than a modern science which includes early-time chemistry and electricity.
The most impressive thing about this movie is Holmes' power of deduction and his plain genius-personality that always puts his partner Watson and himself in trouble. I really like how they mixed the movie with light comedies. Especially when it comes to the partnership of Holmes and Watson. Holmes annoys Watson often in this movie, but Watson himself was just too kind to let it flow. It is also great when they two were in action of solving Blackwood case by relying to their deductive skills and saving Adler from Blackwood's attempt to murder him. It was a trap, actually. One more thing, this movie is also wrapped in some fight actions, not only plain brain he was using there.
Anyway, my favorite scene is when Holmes and Watson solved one by one problems with their skills. And when they started to understand each other without words. They both were so funny when they were together!
Okee.. mungkin reviewnya cukup sekian kali ya. Mungkin udah pada bosen bacanya. Pheww.. walau senang bisa nonton SH, adaa aja hal-hal yang masih bikin saya tidak betah di sini. Kemarin kami tes, dan soal-soalnya kayak *****!!! sampai-sampai membuat saya ilfeel dan ingin menangis.
Hidup di sini berat, buat saya amat berat. Entah karena saya terlalu sensitif atau apa.
Setiap kali saya memotivasi dan meyakinkan diri dengan memikirkan bahwa masih banyak anak-anak yang malang yang tidak bisa bersekolah lagi, bahwa keperluan saya disini tercukupi, bahwa saya seharusnya bisa bersyukur ada di sini, entah kenapa saya semakin merasa tidak pantas untuk mengenyam pendidikan khusus di sini. Saya merasa down. Ini terjadi setiap kali saya selesai mengerjakan test. Nol, nol, dan nol besar hasilnya.
Ibu saya selalu memberitahu bahwa yang penting usahanya, dan urusan hasil ada di tangan Allah. Tapi ada apa dengan saya? Tiap kali saya merasa tidak mampu, saya terus-menerus berkata saya tidak mampu dan mulai stress. Mungkin kalian akan bilang "jangan berkata tidak mampu" atau sejenisnya, tapi cara menanamkannya di hati itu AMAT SUSAH. terutama di sini. mungkin di tempat kalian memiliki masalah menanamkan itu gampang, tapi tidak di sini.
Roda kehidupan saya sudah mulai bergulir ke bawah...
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