Saturday, March 6, 2010

First Lone Trip

Currently listening to: [Start]: Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore ; [End]: I Wanna - The All-American Rejects
Current mood: [Start]: Hungry ; [End]: Sleepy
Random thought: I shoulda update my blog more :\

- Alright, today's topic is my first lone trip.

As I probably have told you guys from my previous posts, saya sedang menjalani masa-masa karantina pelatihan untuk olmpiade fisika tingkat SMA di Tangerang. and after 4 months of torture, saya akhirnya pulang hari ini untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk Ujian Nasional SMP.
Lumayan susah kalau kena penuaan dini (dalam konteks ini: siswa SMP dalam pelatihan fisika SMA :P), apalagi progress masuk SMA dan persiapan ujian akhirnya. Awal-awal saja saya sempat terpikir untuk masuk SMA 1 Yogya, namun niat itu terpaksa harus saya urungkan sekarang akibat pelatihan ini, karena proses penerimaannya akan menjadi rumit. Semestinya saya didaftarkan dengan surat rekomendasi atas nama organisasi pelatihan, yang menjadi masalah adalah fakta bahwa: "Saya terpilih mewakili Balikpapan untuk OSK dan OSP, sedangkan saya akan melanjutkan SMA di Yogyakarta padahal OSN baru akan dimulai 2 bulan setelah penerimaan saya di jenjang SMA." Nah loh. Saya mewakili siapa toh? mungkin itu yang ada di pikiran pihak-pihak pendidik yang terkait.
Jadilah nasib saya akan didaftarkan di SMA seberang gedung SMP saya saat ini.. -_-' well, that's not a main problem, but generally still sucks. Sucks because I chose SMA 1 Yogya to have the experience of being out of parent's sight control, but apparently this 'quarantine' gives me similar stuffs as I wanted. =)

So today I was out of the dorm... harshly. I was supposed to be picked up at 9.30, but I waited until 10.30 and no one had come. Apparently my aunt got stuck at the traffic and couldn't get the dorm so she decided to leave the picking to my other uncle and attempted to wait for me in the airport. I got picked up at 11.25. I fell asleep at the time so I readied myself quickly. Everyone was inside their room, and I couldn't tell what they were doing. I didn't get to say any good-byes or anything. Soooo... my mom said that this uncle knew some shortcuts that might take us to the airport faster than using normal route.

To get to the point straightly, I arrived at the airport at 12.15. When I checked in, they told me that the passengers should've boarded that time. So, I rushed myself once again, all the way to the plane. I never have travelled by plane alone before, and I thought in this first experience I could at least get myself relaxed, sipping Starbucks or walking around the hallway while waiting for the call. But this dream remains dream. Oh well, maybe next time. I finally got myself on the airplane at time. Thank God. And all the way home, at the plane, what I did was sleeping. So no special things or some exciting stuffs occured in the trip. Perhaps just the nervous breakdown, especially when the airport crews acted like I was already late and couldn't get home.
=( I was terrified.

Sesampainya di bandara pukul 15.53 WITA, langsung dah saya ambil bagasi dan keluar. Ngapain lama-lama?? hehe. Keluar terminal, saya disambut orangtua saya dan adik saya. Ibu sempat menanyakan tentang perjalanan sendiri pertama saya, dan saya jawab saja seadanya: HAMPIR TELAT, MAH.
Kami berempat melesat menuju eWalk, duduk di seat Pizza Hut untuk late-lunch. Tiba-tiba saya mendapat telepon dari Romy cs. Guess what? Apparently those guys were going to airport to pick me up! WTF? They didn't tell me first =(

Eeh, tahunya datanglah Winona dari kejauhan bersama ibunya dan Devira. Lho?

No need for further information, right? As with Wino and Deppy will be the moment boredom never struck, we walked around eWalk and chatted in the Starbucks, talking about things occured or new stuffs since I departed 4 months ago.

Well, looking forward to see those classmatey guys that I have put myself effort on making them blog~!

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