Even right now I should be doing my reports for Sunday. Hell yeah I got things to do on Sunday. I'm used to write reports on Saturday nights, but usually not before even the semester starts ._.
I actually have a lot to write about, you know, ramblings, rants, stories, bs-es, and all that. But the most important thing that I've been about these days is how I want to change. Yeah, change, like, to be better. I guess you can say improve myself. It's kind of a cheesy new year resolution thing, but the thing is I didn't decide it because it's new year or anything. It's because I just want to. Well, stuffing this semester with the whole academic affair is one of my pathways. I figured if I'm actually really busy, I wouldn't have the time to slack (oh lookie who's on her bloggie when she's supposed to do reportie).
But I'm not kidding. I even start considering doing things I never did before, like, um, cooking. I've never actually cooked before, too lazy to do it tho. But I just ate dinner with my homemade macaroni and sausage bits. Unfortunately there were not much macaroni left so I had to fill my stomach with more snacks. I ate apple. Apples. DUDE. If you knew me, you're gonna think it's a big achievement. I always hated veggies and fruits. On normal condition I could've just munched potato chips or something. Oops why am I bragging. Well the point is that I've been trying hard to change.
Maybe next semester I'll try build a rocketship.
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