Monday, December 22, 2014
"But Mooooom..."
It's Mother's Day.
I used to think that Mother's Day is such a silly day, like, it's mother's day everyday. Mothers are still as awesome as they are everyday. It's not like they turn into superman (superwomen, if you will) on that particular day and spend the rest of the year being un-awesome (is that even a word).
However, since I am now a college student, you know, being far away from her and occupied with tasks and lab projects and tests, it's kind of a reminder that the woman who had been supporting you since before you were even born, holds a big part of putting you in a place where you are right now. Well, at least in my case.
It's been quite a long time since I saw my mom. Yup, you know, being away and stuff. And not just seeing her, I meant like chatting about random things, getting yelled at and being bothered every time I try listening to songs with earphone. Frankly, I kind of miss her. Yeah, honesty, kinda. Not anymore the kind of goodness, where's mother I need her to talk to the doctor or mom can you please call [someone I barely know but have business with but feel reluctant to talk to] and tell him I [the business needed to be talked about]. I'm a grown-ass college student now. I can talk to people without being hesitant and clinging to mom every single time.
But now, it's more like miss talking to her because her insights are what put me here in the first place. Were it not because of my mom, I might not have entered into one of the most prestigious college in the country, or clean my room on a regular basis, or dye my hair blue.
Just kidding, mom, please put the sandal down.
Just kidding, reader. Mom doesn't even wear sandal.
Well, she does wear sandals, but very fancy sandals. You know, the brand like kickers or triset or something, that probably has straps or something behind the ankle. Contrary to popular belief when mothers try to look cool, she does actually look cool, and she doesn't even try. Like, probably when she wears something, other moms look at her and try to look like her. Sometimes I wonder if mom has secretly discovered the Fountain of Youth and drunk the whole thing for herself.
Probably she wouldn't mind even if I dye my hair blue. Do you think it would look good on me? I'm just worried that my hair might not be able to handle it. She even approved when I said I wanted a short hair, like, um... short. Probably someday I'd ask her approval of tats but I wouldn't go that far, though.
See, the thing about my mom is how chill she is about my actions and decisions. Maybe it's because of the fact that I'm just that kind of 'good kid' who never asks for anything weird, like piercing or a 4WD SUV. But mom barely rejects me when I ask her if I can buy jackets or shoes or pizza. But at the same time, I'm aware that I don't demand that much. Usually at home I'd just sit around browsing on the internet or watch telly or mess around with our cat Villa, and she doesn't even seem to be complaining on how lazy I am. You know how some mothers normally bug their daughters / kids to just 'go outside and play' or 'clean your room it's such a mess' or 'get off the computer and help with the dishes'? No, I never get that kind of vibe.
There's so much freedom, trust, she put in me. I get to do the things I want. It kinda sparked a thought in me at first, like, what if I asked her if I can [insert dangerous or socially unacceptable situation]? But no, I never ask. Because I'm aware of how my mom allow me to get things I want, I know I should never let her down and test her with some kind of things that can break her trust and let her down. She gives me the freedom to do things, but at the same time she educated me in a way that I don't cross that line of freedom. We are content with this kind of mutual respect... I guess. I dunno about mom, but I'm content.
I'd say she's like an older sister to me, but that's kind of inaccurate. Like, yes, sometimes it feels like that, but most of the time she's my mom. Maybe coolness can be associated with people your age, or such freedom make me feel like she's not an ordinary mom, but it's just that... she's my mother. I only have one mother, and I cannot feel what it's like to be someone else's daughter, so it's almost like I have no concept of being mothered (is that even a word) other than by my mother. So however she's like, whatever she looks like--older sister, friend, bff-- she's a mother to me. Like, the mother. Not just my mother, or a mother, but THE mother. (at this point the word mother is floating away from my grasp of reality)
I'd like to thank my mom for always being there for me and providing me gateways to fulfill my needs. I'd also want to thank her for being the chillest person-- yet the busiest person I have ever known, a charming woman she is, and the coolest person to give me that Linkin Park shirt on my 14th birthday, and letting me skip two school days to see their concert on September 2010. Thanks mom! You da real MVP!
And to mom: see you soon!
Love, T.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Recipe for Bad Luck
We all have been there; a day when everything goes so smoothly: when you wake up early and you already feel recharged, you pour yourself a cup of milk tea and made toasts for breakfast without having to worry about school or work, the bus arriving in time, when the weather isn't too humid or too hot, you don't have to wait in line in the grocery store, when you win a coupon for free pizza, when your boss tells you how good you've worked even when you slack all day- wait - or when you wipe it and it's clean in one wipe...
...but surely, we don't need that kind of mundane days, do we? What's the fun in sitting for breakfast when you can just sleep off and skip it so you can run to the bus stop and finding it already driving so you have to run another half kilometer to catch it in the traffic light? Good exercise, right? And why would you want the bus arrive in time when you can just walk to school and have to face the infamous bully from behind the third intersection alley? Why would you want the weather to be good when you can be wet from the heavy rain followed by thunderstruck, and if you're very very lucky, you might as well get a taste of the electron shock embodied into you and wake up in a hospital? Free meal, right? And why would you want your boss to tell you how good you've been working? Ain't nobody telling you but yourself! And why would you want free piz- wait, nobody ain't gonna reject that.
So, basically, we want a bad day. We want to forget the umbrella at home so you can soak yourself on your way to school. We want to miss the bus so you can walk and meet bullies and awkwardly avoid eye contacts with them. We want your dog to actually eat your homework so you can tell your teacher that and they will not believe you for that. We want your neighbors to make loud noise the night before so you can't sleep well and skip the breakfast and miss the bus.
So, what you gonna do? Let me share you some tips that can make your day (worse), for it is what I am good at:
1. Sleep it off. No worries, the school ain't gonna go anywhere. It stays there. So, why worry? Skip the first lesson that starts too early at 8 am, and go whenever you want. Don't push yourself.
2. Procrastinate. Never do your homework on the day it's given. There are plenty of time for that later. For now, let's just scroll your tumblr dash until you reach yesterday's posts. Browse your favorite comedy twitter accounts' photos until its first posts. Then browse some more. Find new favorite accounts. Blog about your day. Send anon hate. Search YouTube comedic goldies.
3. Mess with the teacher during class. Contrary to popular belief, teachers are actually cool person deep inside. They just cover it with some kind of facade so you won't notice. Say 'cool story bro' every time they finished explaining something to the class. Tell them to repeat the whole thing they just said if they ask the class if there's any question. If they show their anger, wink at them and show them that you can be as cool as they are.
4. Leave your wallet at home. It's not like the bus is going to charge you or anything, nor do you need lunch anyway. And if you somehow stumble upon bullies who often demand lunch money, you ain't got none. Money is the root of all evil. Keep it away from you. If the police ask you why you didn't pay for those groceries, tell them that. They will understand.
5. Don't lock your doors. It's not like there are thieves who will raid your house or take the wallet you leave at home. Or your TV. Or your laptops. Or your bathroom sink. And if there are, sharing is caring.
How do you intend to make your day today? Would you do any of those tips I share above? Leave a comment about how you would do it! Sharing is caring! :)
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Gravity (Not The Movie)
Monday, December 8, 2014
Since It's Raining and Dark Outside, I Figure It's a Good Time to Lie
Sunday, December 7, 2014
There's No Boundaries : Myth of Fact?
Bittersweet Ballad
Payung Hijau Kusut Kesayanganku
Pagi itu hujan turun dengan deras. Pukul sepuluh seharusnya sudah waktunya sinar matahari mulai unjuk gigi dengan radiasi elektromagnetisnya, tetapi tirai butiran air dan awan gelap yang menggantung di atasnya menutupi sang mentari. Aku memakluminya, bahkan sudah mengantisipasinya. Bukan hanya maklum, aku cukup menyukai hujan, sebenarnya.
Apa daya, karena tubuh yang lemah ini aku tidak dapat langsung menikmati curahan langit yang datang bertaburan itu. Kukeluarkan payung kecil dari tasku dan membukanya, perlahan-lahan menjajaki tanah yang basah dan berada di luar lingkup atap gedung yang kusinggahi untuk berteduh tadi. Kusampirkan tudungnya di atas kepalaku, yah, seperti bagaimana orang menggunakan payung untuk melindungi tubuh mereka dari hujan.
Aku berjalan menapaki tanah yang licin dan basah dengan hati-hati, hanya beberapa kaki menuju jalan beraspal yang lebih tidak licin. Tidak banyak orang berlalu-lalang pagi itu. Tentu saja, selain karena hujan yang deras, hari itu adalah hari libur. Sepantasnyalah lebih banyak orang yang memilih mendekam di kamar mereka yang hangat. Tetapi aku ingin berjalan-jalan.
Aku berjalan dan berjalan. Aku menginjak lumpur, aku membasahi sepatuku dan sedikit bagian dalam kaus kakiku. Aku menggenggam gagang payung dan menggigil. Aku berjalan dan kedinginan.
Setelah sekian lama berjalan, aku putuskan untuk mengunjungi kafe kecil langgananku yang terletak di jalan utama Kota Bandung itu. Hari libur, memang, tetapi hujan, dan tidak semacet biasanya. Kafe kecil itu tidak memiliki tempat parkir yang luas untuk mobil-mobil, jadi kau bisa mengasumsikan bahwa yang datang ke tempat itu adalah pengguna motor, atau pejalan kaki yang menyukai cita rasa bersahaja - yap, sepertiku. Ha.
Di depan kafe itu terdapat kanopi yang tak kalah kecil. Seharusnya aku tahu, saat hujan begini akan banyak yang menumpang untuk berteduh. Mungkin saja mereka sempat memutuskan untuk mampir dan memanjakan diri dengan menu yang ada, daripada kedinginan di luar tanpa kepastian akan kapan redanya hujan, thus meramaikan kafe dan tidak menyisakan tempat duduk untukku. By the time you read this, kanopi kafe itu sudah ada dalam jarak pandangku.
Aku salah. Tidak banyak orang yang berteduh di depan sana. Hanya ada tiga orang, yang tampaknya tidak saling mengenal. Satu orang bapak-bapak paruh baya yang mengenakan jaket berbahan parasut tahan air, sedang merokok dengan muka masam, seorang perempuan dengan hak tinggi yang mengenakan blus dan rok pendek yang berwarna senada dan riasan wajah yang signifikan, tampaknya akan berangkat kerja namun terhalang hujan, dan satu lagi seorang lelaki yang tampak seumuran denganku...
...dengan wajah dan jaket yang tampak familiar
...menggenggam smartphone yang tampak tidak kalah familiar.
Aku menaikkan alis, masih berjalan. Siapa tahu mataku menipuku. jalan... jalan... nope. mataku baik-baik saja. Aku mengenalnya.
Rintik hujan masih turun dengan derasnya. Si lelaku-seumuran-denganku kebagian tempat berteduh paling pinggir, dan dari sepatu dan bagian bawah celana panjangnya, my brain ignited a second thought. Aku berhenti di sampingnya dan menghadap ke jalanan, ke arah mereka semua menghadap, seolah-olah hendak ikut berteduh. Kuposisikan payung untuk juga melindungi kepalanya, masih dengan wajah datar seolah tidak tahu.
Aku juga akan bertanya-tanya kalau tiba-tiba ada orang asing yang berteduh di sampingku dengan jarak yang bisa dikatakan personal space intruding. Ia menoleh dari telepon genggamnya, menilik ke arahku. Aku hanya tersenyum simpul, masih memandangi tirai hujan. "Hei," sapaku.
"Oh... hei." Dia tampak terkejut dan lega di saat bersamaan.
"Sedang apa di sini?" Aku bertanya, masih memandangi tirai hujan.
"Aku ada janji dengan seseorang, tapi karena hujan aku berteduh dulu." Jawabnya sambil mengetik sesuatu di teleponnya.
"Oooh, janjian dimana?" Pertanyaan 'siapa' hampir terselip, tetapi aku punya firasat aku tahu jawabannya.
"Di BIP," jawabnya datar, "duh..."
"Katanya, kalau hujannya masih deras sejam lagi, lebih baik dibatalkan saja..."
"Siapa, sih?" Akhirnya terlontar juga pertanyaan itu.
"Nasya..." damn, I knew it.
"Well..." ujarku perlahan, hampir berbisik, apalagi ditelan suara jatuhnya rintik hujan, Aku berdehem pelan, berusaha tidak terdengar, dan melanjutkan dengan suara lebih keras, "You have one hour to spare. Mampir saja ke kafe ini."
"Kafe ini?" jempolnya menunjuk ke pintu kaca kafe di belakangnya.
"Kamu kerja di sini?" Aku baru sadar nada dan kalimatku seolah-olah mengindikasikan bahwa aku akan mendapatkan sesuatu bila aku berhasil mengajaknya masuk. Well... I will get something anyway.
"Gak, gak, cuma kafe langganan aja kok kalo lagi banyak duit." Jawabku setelah tertawa kecil.
"Oh... jadi lagi banyak duit nih?" Ia tersenyum sambil menaikkan alis. Kau tahu ketika pikiranmu berteriak "please don't do that thing that makes me powerless but please do that always because it's so adorable"? Rasanya saat itu aku mati-matian memasang wajah poker karena aku tidak tahu ekspresi wajah seperti apa yang appropriate untuk pemikiran itu.
"Hmm... gimana ya..." Aku balas tersenyum, sok misterius.
"Akui sajalah." Untuk semenit itu ia melupakan teleponnya, meski ia masih menggenggamnya, dan aku merasa senang.
"Yah, kau menang. Aku memang sedang banyak duit."
"Masuklah, kutraktir kau latte karamel, atau yang seharga." Aku menurunkan payungku dan menutupnya, berbalik menuju pintu masuk kafe yang lengang itu.
"Benar?" Ia tampak terkejut.
"Yeah, why not," Aku mengedikkan bahu sambil melipat payung, "daripada kamu kedinginan di luar. Kalau udah reda atau cerah kan tinggal cabut."
Ia tampak mempertimbangkannya selama beberapa detik sebelum mengikutiku masuk.
"Kau ingin latte karamel atau yang lain?" tanyaku.
"Latte karamel saja, thanks."
Seseorang yang tampaknya mahasiswi berada satu baris di depanku, sedang memesan di kasir. "Duduklah duluan. Let me handle the order." Ujarku kepada lelaki itu. Setelah ia duduk dan si mahasiswi selesai dengan pesanannya, barista kafe perempuan berambut pendek yang sudah kukenal baik itu menyapaku ramah dan menanyakan pesananku.
"Green tea latte dengan espresso shot seperti biasa, mas Taruna?" Aku tersenyum. Ia tidak punya kewajiban mengingatku, tetapi dia ingat. "Ya, mbak Ina, Sama tambahan caramel latte panas satu, ya."
"Buat temannya ya, mas? Kirain mau diminum sendirian. Hehe." Aku menelan ludah pada kata 'teman' yang ia lontarkan. Sebenarnya aku lebih sebal karena ia menganggap memesan dua minuman untuk seorang diri sebagai lelucon.
"..Ya." Aku menjawab, pendek dan pelan, sambil tersenyum untuk mengapresiasi usahanya melucu. Mungkin judul cerpen ini seharusnya "Aku Sebel sama Mbak Ina".
"Semuanya jadi [masukkan harga kafe disini]." Aku menyodorkan uang pas. "Duduk aja ya mas, pesanannya nanti diantar saja. Spesial buat mas karena udah sering nongkrong disini." Ujarnya dengan lebih ceria.
Aku gajadi sebel sama Mbak Ina.
Aku berjalan menuju tempat duduk yang dipilih oleh 'teman'ku itu. Ia memilih tempat berkapasitas dua orang di pojok. Aku maklum. Doesn't mean anything, aku meyakinkan diriku sendiri. Aku duduk dan melirik jendela. Hujan masih deras dan belum ada tanda-tanda akan berhenti.
Dalam hati aku tersenyum. Panggil aku brengsek, tetapi aku tidak ingin hujan ini berhenti. Not in an hour, not ever. Well, mungkin sampai sore saja karena aku harus segera pulang dan mengerjakan laporan praktikum, but you get my point.
He's not leaving anytime soon.
Satu lagi alasan untuk menyukai hujan.
Bandung, 7 Desember 2014
1.05 WIB
Dari Taruna, yang menunggumu.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Aku Memutuskan untuk Mulai Menulis Lagi.
Namaku Taffy dan aku seorang mahasiswa. Aku tidak akan menyebut di universitas mana aku sekarang mengemban ilmu, yang jelas dulu aku sudah lama mendambakannya dan akhirnya disinilah aku berada. Nasib memang indah. Terkadang aku sering bermain-main dengannya, menerka-nerka ke arah mana ia akan membawaku. Semoga saja kemanapun ia menarikku aku akan bertahan.
That's right, I'm a survivor.
Bukan. Penyintas bukan kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkanku. Aku lebih memilih menyebut diriku.... beruntung. Yep. Lucky. Selama ini aku selalu mendapatkan apa yang aku mau. Well, sejujurnya mungkin aku lebih condong nrimo atau menerima apapun yang nasib hadapkan kepadaku. Sering kali I'm okay with that. Mungkin ketika suatu saat aku menginginkan kue tart dengan coklat asli belgia dan ternyata aku hanya mampu mendapatkan roti maryam salman, aku tidak akan membantah. Mungkin saat itu aku tidak berjodoh dengan kue tart coklat belgia.
Sampai di mana tadi? Kue tart? Bukan. Lucky.
Aku jadi ingat komik Lucky Luke yang dulu sering ayahku beli. Itu, ceritanya adalah mengenai koboi di bagian barat Amerika pada jaman dulu yang mampu menembak lebih cepat dari bayangannya. Jangan tanya padaku, aku juga tidak tahu bagaimana secara logika itu dapat dilakukan. Dia bukan protagonis yang serba benar bak dewa, tapi yang dia lakukan selalu berakhir dengan baik (kurasa itu juga tipikal). Tetapi aku selalu menggemari caranya mengomentari situasi yang ia hadapi dengan kocak. Perjalanan nomadennya ditemani oleh seekor kuda bernama Jolly Jumper yang juga tidak kalah yahud komentarnya. Ia bahkan bisa memasak kacang merah kalengan dengan baik dan membeli sepatu untuk dirinya sendiri. Basically, a reliable mate.
Speaking of mate, aku jadi ingat Enter Shikari. In case you don't know, Enter Shikari itu band asal St. Albans, Inggris. Aku pernah mengepos satu video mereka di blog ini. Band yang vokalis dengan aksen British kentara pertama yang aku gemari. Waktu itu aku sedang iseng-iseng mendengarkan musik di situs YouTube, dan biasalah, banyak featured videos atau related ones yang terdaftar di samping video yang sedang kutonton saat itu. Lalu, kulihat ada Enter Shikari - Arguing with Thermometers. Saat itu thumbnail video yang terlihat adalah gambar Rou (si vokalis) yang berpakaian seperti penyiar berita, lengkap dengan jas krem dan wig agak ikal dan kumis dan kacamata, semua atribut yang tidak merepresentasikan dia sama sekali. Baru beberapa hari kemudian aku tahu kalau nama tokoh si penyiar berita itu adalah Phillis McCleavland, dan aku instan menjadi penggemar musik-musik mereka. Aku sangat gandrung dengan A Flash Flood of Colours setelah mendengar singel Arguing with Thermometers. Videonya kocak dan aku menyukai half-scream di bagian chorus yang dipadukan dengan synthesizer dan semi-rap beraksen British Rou yang kental. Pokoknya mancap banget.
Tapi, layaknya semua euforia, kekagumanku sedikit-sedikit terkikis dan tergantikan oleh musik baru dari band progressive rock yang bernama letlive. Aku pertama kali mendengar letlive. (ya, dengan tanda titik) dari majalah musik rock yang dulu aku gandrungi, namanya Kerrang! (ya, dengan tanda seru). Sampai sekarang aku masih heran dengan bagaimana akuratnya dia membaca selera musikku. Dulu aku membeli majalah Kerrang! sekali-sekali untuk membaca artikel tentang Linkin Park. Pernah aku ceritakan bagaimana aku dulu terobsesi (emphasis terobsesi) dengan mereka sampai aku hapal tanggal lahir mereka dan universitas mereka? Mereka semua dulu bersekolah di perguruan tinggi, lho (kecuali mungkin Chester si vokalis). Aku sangat kagum. Kebanyakan band kekinian tidak terlalu mementingkan sekolah. Kalau aku tidak salah ingat, Mike si rapper merangkap keyboardist bersekolah di Pasadena Art University dan Brad si gitaris yang forever-bercelana-pendek-setiap-konser mengambil jurusan kedokteran di UCLA.
Sampai di mana tadi? Oh, ya, Kerrang! atau letlive.?
Anyway, Kerrang! dulu kubeli setiap ada artikel yang featuring Linkin Park. Majalah itu hanya ada di Periplus, dan notabene sangat langka. Awal-awal Periplus Balikpapan (kota tempatku tinggal) rajin menyediakan majalah K! ini, tapi lama-lama setiap aku kesana mereka tidak menyetok lagi majalah itu. Sedih :( K! ini fitur band-nya 'gue' banget. Aku heran, banyak dari band-band yang mereka tulis artikelnya adalah band yang pernah kugemari-- walaupun tidak gemar-gemar banget setidaknya aku menyukai beberapa lagu mereka. Ketika aku membaca-baca majalah K! pertama featuring Linkin Park yang kubeli, I stumbled upon those familiar faces "Lho, kok ada Disturbed?" "Lho, Slipknot?" "Lho, Foo Fighters?" "Widih, ada MCR!" "Lho, ternyata Muse konser disini tadi malam?" dsb. Layaknya majalah, mereka pasti menyediakan berbagai rubrik. Ada rubrik review album, dsb, dan karena ke-familiar-anku dengan band-band yang ada di majalah itu, aku memutuskan untuk mencoba mendengarkan musik dari band-band lain yang mereka tulis artikelnya yang belum pernah kudengar sebelumnya, dan ternyata cocok. Untuk beberapa bulan aku pun menjadi penggemar letlive. yang vokalisnya menjadi urutan pertama dalam Kerrang!'s Top 100 Rock Star. Namun aku akui, list top 100 itu rubbish. Aku mendengarkan letlive. karena aku menyukai musik mereka, bukan karena vokalisnya masuk top 1. But still, K! provided me the gateway I needed to discover new favorite bands.
Termasuk Muse. Dulu aku menyukai Muse hanya beberapa lagu saja, namun seiring waktu dan 'wawasan' permusikan (dan playlist) rock - alternative - genre-apasajalah-gue-suka (karena Enter Shikari sebenarnya ada dubstepnya dan letlive. itu antara rock-screamo-entahlah), dari banyaknya lagu yang headbang-able aku membutuhkan sepercik oase Muse yang tidak terlalu keras, dengan vokalis yang suaranya yahud abis (Matt can I have your voice pls), dan musik yang unik. Saat inipun aku masih menyukai Muse walaupun letlive. dan Enter Shikari sudah lama tidak kudengarkan. Aku mengerti mengapa mereka menjadi mainstream. Memang mereka lovable, and their music is timeless. Aku sendiri sedang mendengarkan album keempat mereka Black Holes and Revelations sembari menulis ini. No kidding, it's a freaking masterpiece.
Aku sempat mencari-cari drum cover lagu-lagu mereka di YouTube, dan memang album ini yang drumnya paling asyik. Bahkan aku sempat berpikir untuk membangunkan mimpi lamaku untuk belajar bermain drum, setelah lama hiatus dari pelajaran gitar klasik yang notabene sudah terlupakan. Tetapi untuk apa? Belajar agar bisa dilupakan lagi? Jujur, aku sangat tempted untuk belajar drum. Dulu 'pelajaran' gitar klasikku sebenarnya berawal dari niatku ingin bisa memainkan lagu-lagu band favoritku, dan aku mengatakan hal itu kepada ibuku. Beliau setuju, dan mencarikan guru. Lalu, kebetulan ternyata guru gitar adalah guru gitar klasik, dan seiring waktu aku menyadari... I don't fit for classical guitars. Persetujuan akan pelajaran gitar klasik itu didasari oleh paradigma bahwa karena lagu klasik itu lebih sulit, ketika aku mahir, aku akan lebih mudah mempelajari lagi rock yang cuma main kunci. Tapi aku sadar, sebenarnya aku tidak ingin menjadi pro, aku hanya ingin mencari kesenangan dengan genjreng-genjreng lagu-lagu rock, bukan mempelajari Romance D'Amor atau Song for Renny :(
Akhirnya hingga sekarang skill gitarku menjadi sangat rusty sampai pada keadaan dimana aku menjadi asing dengan kunci gitar. Dan aku masih buta nada. Aku merasa sangat sedih dan tidak berguna. Aku duduk disini mendengarkan lagu-lagu keren, dengan harapan suatu hari aku bisa memainkannya dengan alat musik apapun, dengan canggih hingga orang mengetahui bahwa sebenarnya aku menyukai band-band ini hingga pada tahap aku dapat me-reenact lagu mereka. Karena ketika kau bisa bermain musik, orang akan tahu bahwa kau mengapresiasi musik. Aku mendengarkan lots of music, tapi aku tidak bisa bermain musik. Aku ingin mengapresiasi mereka yang telah mengisi hari-hariku.
Dulu aku masih punya harapan, tapi sekarang tidak. I'm rusty and useless. Yang bisa kulakukan hanyalah ini. Menulis. Hanya dengan menulis, kalian tahu kalau aku menyukai hal-hal ini. Hanya dengan ketikan di blog ini, kalian tahu semua tentangku. Scary if you think about it.
Nonetheless, menulis adalah satu-satunya hal non-akademis yang bisa kulakukan. Aku pernah menulis fanfic hingga mendapat banyak komentar dan mendapat teman dengan kegemaran sama. Aku pernah menulis blog kelas hingga aku tidak melupakan mereka dan aku berharap hari-hari itu masih ada. Aku pernah menjadikan menulis sebagai pelampiasan ketika sedang... apapun. Marah, kesal, senang, sedih, aku pernah menulis itu semua. Aku ingin membangkitkan strings of words yang dulu pernah aku kuasai hingga menjadi trademark-ku.
Aku memutuskan untuk mulai menulis lagi.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Tale of Emotional Attachment and Ridiculous Desperation
I don't know what I did wrong. I had loved him, never so much as taking my attention away from him. I didn't realize how dependent I was to him until I lost him. Sure, it was intentional. Should I intentionally try to lose him, it would be called letting go. I never intended to let him go. It didn't occur to me how precious he was... until now.
He was reliable, really. Yes, I went for him because of his good looks, though. We met about three months ago or so. My first impression of him was not bad. Average, but he stood out from the other guys. At that time, I needed someone like him, so we chose to be together as soon as possible. It didn't take long for him to want to be with me. Even my dad approved of him. I always liked the way he sported black, my favorite color, mixed with silver and occasional bright yellow. Yellow was never my kind of spectrum, but he never wore it without my consent. That's also what I loved about him.
My parents did know the outcome of us being together. Shouldn't they? He stayed at my place since then. My place in Bandung is for girls-only, but nobody seemed to mind him being with me. He would sometimes accompany me to campus. I introduced him to some of my closest friends. They didn't say much about him, but I think they liked him. Once, I took him swimming with them. Of course I was there. It was for P.E. class grading. He helped the teacher a little bit, so I guess she didn't mind as well.
Last holiday I went home to my parents' in Balikpapan. I took him with me. My parents welcomed him warmly; even my brother, who would usually tell me that he'd scare away any boy who wants to go near me, did not loathe him. The two of them didn't bond well, but at least I could still be with him and my brother at the same time. No punches or scars I noticed, so it was a good thing. I would take him hanging out with my Balikpapan friends, or going shopping with my mom. I never liked shopping, so he was a pretty good company compared to me being taken with only mom.
I noticed how downright clingy I had been to him as I wrote this passage. I'm now asking myself one thing: how did I not get tired / bored of him? Yeah, I find it weird as well. See, he didn't talk much, dear friends. He just understood. I guess it was a crucial thing if you want things to get serious...
At first he was just a good friend to me. The desperation of having someone was the main driving point why I chose to be with him, but I didn't think I'd fall for him that fast. He liked wrapping his hand around mine and then we'd walk together, just like that. It was cheesy, and bold. That was the consequence of me having him, though, so I went along... But it felt good. Sometimes he held too tight and I had to let him go, but then I would miss having the feeling of his hands around my hand.
Right now I'm desperate. I lost him. What did I do wrong? Did he choose to leave because I tend to care more about him for me than to me being there for him? He didn't say anything, left no notes, nothing. I wanted to cry since the first night I lost him, but never such a drop of tears flow from my eyes. That night, June 26th, 2014... I thought he was just tired of me, you know, going for fresh air a bit and then coming back the morning after. But until now I never heard from him. I think he's fed up with me.
I'm so sorry if I did anything wrong. If you're reading this (although I'm quite certain you won't), please come back home. I miss you, Dan.
Love, your clingy girl.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Breakdown in Bed
We all have nightmares. We all have fears as well.
See, this morning I woke up -- no, awakened by a nightmare I had. My dreams are often weird, abstract, or irrational. I know you'll think that it is how dream works; unlike real life. But man, I seldom know what the heck is going on in my own head. As I believe dreams are manifestations of your thoughts and ideas, they gotta mean something in our real life don't they?
This kind of nightmare I experienced tonight, I experienced some other nights as well. Not exactly the same, but the pattern is similar. It goes like this: I'm in a room, doing something in front of a mirror (like you know, brushing teeth or washing my face), and all of a sudden I got paralyzed. Like this paralyzed sense of knowing there was a killer in front of you, you get scared -- and I mean scared, big time -- and you just have to get away from that son of a bitch. But then you can't. There was a sense of being held by some invisible force and you can't do anything. Your scream becomes mumbles, your muscles become stiff, and what you can do is sensing them coming to get you; you give up.
I would then usually close my eyes and take a deep breath. Then that's when I wake up. The worst part of this is you don't know who the hell they are. There was no serial killer. When I said invisible force, maybe you're thinking, like supernatural force? I don't even know. During the dream I expected something to appear when I open my eyes after closing them due to the fear, but at the same time I didn't want them to appear. When I woke up split seconds later I felt regret for not being able to even see what it is that scare me so much.
Up until now my nightmares on this thing is abstract. I don't know what the hell I fear so much. I want to know but probably would be too scared to encounter them.
See, I've seen this TV show Supernatural and thought I've got this shit covered, but it just doesn't work that way, apparently. My fear -- or fear, in general -- does not work that way. Despite my effort to reason my way out of this superstitious thing through the science of fear, I still feel fear. Just because you understand shit doesn't mean you can easily bail your way through it (idk it just sounds cool to say it).
So, folks, let me ask you this, are your nightmares often as bizarre as mine? Have you ever conquered any of your former fears?
Sunday, March 16, 2014
People Might Talk
I am now aware that people have certain social obligations they have to maintain. I need to know what people want from me in order to keep me and them related in a way -- maybe in a business way, maybe they just think I give good advice, maybe they think I'm funny -- and in order to do so I have to, somehow, care. I have to care what they feel about what I say to them, I have to care what they have to say to me.
That means I gotta listen to people whining about their bad days, their uncaring romance interests, or simply their burdening piles of homework. Don't get me wrong, I had always listened since my early school years, I was always the listener, but on those days it was because I don't talk much. I listened, but I couldn't bother to give any advice so that's probably why I don't have much friends. Right now, I am aware that when people talk to me, I have to give some kind of reaction. Nod, agree, say comforting stuff, possibly the same way you want people to react to you if you were to be in their position. This is probably also why I didn't make much friends in the past - I had never thought to be in their position and never did want to get any reaction (thus, not talking to people).
That means when people talk to me about other people, I have to listen as well. Probably not much, but as I began my journey on the normal-people-interaction steps, I've heard shit I don't think I'm supposed to. I thought this kind of things can only happen in the movies (although most of my kind of movies's people-shit-talking happens in front of the said people and followed by gun shootings afterwards), but apparently people do talk about people. Not necessarily talk bad things like "look at his face, so ugly!" (goddamn, are you 9 year old white boy?) -- or maybe more realistic "he talks funny" and then impersonation of his kind of talk. Do believe me, this thing actually happens.
One of my lecturer has this habit of nervously playing with the board marker whenever he explains to us about the stuffs he just wrote on the board. I notice this myself, but then one thing I did not notice was that he frequently says "ok" as he writes. Some classmates posted something about statistic of him "saying OK 67 times in the class today" in a class social media group. That is when I realized, people do notice unique things about people and apparently there are people taking interest in it because they notice the same thing. The 'statistic' received positive (by positive, I meant interested parties) reactions from other classmates.
The thing is that I'm not a saint when it comes to this case. I think bad about people more than you could possibly care about -- and right now I don't think you care, anyway. My hypothesis about shit-talking-about-people is that because people have habits. Through their habits, they will notice if there was anything weird out of ordinary. And they will feel the need to share the discovery of this extraordinary thing.
To bring an analogy, it's like seeing a blue leaf in a normal tree (unrealistic example, but I can't think of anything else right now). People are used to green leaf, and when they find this thing exists, they're stunned. They would then tell people about this and conversation could lead itself from there.
"I just saw a blue leaf in a perfectly normal tree."
"Really? I did too! Isn't that on the tree near that coffee shop on 3rd Street?"
"Yeah, it is! I wonder what sort of strange things going on there?"
The best thing about that leaf is that it won't take being called weird personally.
My point is that this 'shit-talking' is usually unintended. It's... I would dare say, normal. People just find something about people unusual, and they just happen to find someone who notice the same thing. They bond from there, because they somehow think alike. People talking shit about your favorite bands? That's probably because their music taste is different from you and they don't find screaming during verses as attractive as you do.
The next time you notice people talk shit about you... well, it's your decision to be mad or not. The only fact remains is that they find you different from them. If you're okay with being different, then don't be so mad at them. If you're not okay with being different, consider that as a critique from them and then you can change that.
The next time you realize you're shit talking about people, do aware that you're doing it because you think they are different from you. Probably some people also are talking about you because you have different opinion from them.
Because people are so different to one another, what this shit-talking thing do to us are finding us people who think similar to us so that we can make us some friends who think alike.
Maybe I thought of the phrase 'shit-talking' different from you, but my point stays the same nonetheless.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Menulis Fiksi Itu Mudah
Sebenarnya tulisan itu termasuk tugas optional unit, namun dalam proses penulisannya aku merasa bahwa sebenarnya ini lebih dari sekedar menulis. Aku menyenanginya. Aku merasa utuh. Aku dulu sangat senang menulis dan sekarang aku merasa diriku yang dulu, my past self, kembali padaku. Aku rindu saat-saat aku mampu meng-update blog tanpa harus berkutat dua hari di depan laptop dan tiga file draft yang diralat berkali-kali hanya untuk menulis satu topik.
Dulu aku senang menulis tentang kelasku sewaktu SMP (check It was crappy and the language was bad and the joke was pretty lame, but at least I have fun writing it and my classmates read it. Aku bahkan tidak sadar bagaimana semua itu bisa terjadi? Maksudku, aku merasa tidak ada beban saat dulu aku menulis, tetapi sekarang aku harus brainstorm untuk mendapatkan ide menulis, dan bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan sebuah tulisan sederhana.
Tulisan sebelumnya aku buat dalam periode tiga hari dengan dua draft yang gagal dan empat halaman Microsoft Word untuk finalnya. Pertama, aku menulis secara random apapun yang ada di pikiranku, apa yang aku pikirkan dan aku rasakan saat pengalaman dalam tulisan itu terjadi. Mengingat-ingat ternyata sedikit sulit. Seringkali hal ini yang membuat tulisanku left unfinished. Aku ingin menulis tentang suatu kejadian, namun di tengah proses penulisan aku melupakan bagian dari kejadian, kemudian akhirnya tidak kuselesaikan.
Di sinilah peran judul posting ini dimulai. Ketika kau menulis fiksi, kau bisa membuat apapun terjadi dalam tulisan itu. Kau tidak perlu mengingat-ingat detail kecil atau nama orang dalam pertemuan minggu pagi itu. Kau menciptakan duniamu sendiri. Kau tidak perlu membeberkan hal-hal pribadi mengenai dirimu atau orang lain.
Menulis fiksi itu mudah.
.....Bagaimana kalian akan tahu bahwa tulisanku sebelumnya bukan kejadian karangan?